SOMALIA: Raising
awareness against FGM in Puntland.
(Bosaaso, April
2008 Ceegaag Online)

Halima a
mother of five girls shudders whenever she remembers how she
suffered after undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM/Cutting),
a practice still widespread in Somalia.
"I will
not put my daughters through it," Halima told IRIN in
Bosasso, the commercial capital of the self-declared
autonomous region of Puntland, where an estimated 98 percent
of girls still undergo the cut.
daughters are aged two to 15 years. "I do not want them to
go through that in life," she said. "Every time I get my
periods I suffer incredible pain to the point where I cannot
work. I have had infections that led to miscarriage and
practice in
involves the cutting of the external genitalia and sewing up
the genitalia, leaving a small hole for urine and blood to
pass, known as pharaonic circumcision.
FGM is
illegal in Puntland, but is a prevalent traditional
practice. It is also commonly performed throughout
and in parts of the East African region.
statistics exist to show prevalence trends in
According to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), it is
primarily performed on girls between the ages of four and 11
and is regarded as “cleansing” a girl child in Somali
Awareness campaigns
But as a
sign of improved awareness of its dangers, activists in
Bosasso have set up organisations to help women such as
Halima and to lobby for the eradication of FGM.
Meme, coordinator of the We are Women Activists (WAWA), an
umbrella organisation of 34 women's groups in central and
northern Somalia, said the groups had embarked on an anti-FGM
awareness campaign to highlight the dangers and convince
communities to abandon it.
has been slow, Meme said, attributing this to resistance
from mothers who believe their daughters would be
unmarriageable if they are not circumcised.
Zeinab Haji, a WAWA board member, told IRIN they were making
progress in urban areas.
and religious leaders are supporting our efforts and it is
making a difference," she said. "However, it is not enough
and more needs to be done."
Involving men, particularly elders and religious leaders, in
the campaign to eradicate FGM had also been useful. "Their
involvement has removed some of the myths that somehow the
practice has a religious significance," Haji said.
According to Ahmed Sheikh Abdirihman, professor of Islamic
law at the
African University in Bosasso, FGM has no basis in Islam.
"It is 'haram'
[prohibited] in Islam to do harm to the human body and there
is no question that this practice causes harm," he told IRIN.
"We tell everyone that they should not be fooled into
thinking that this practice is condoned by our religion.
Nothing can be further from the truth."
said more and more mothers were coming out against the
practice, refusing to allow their daughters to be cut. But
to have a bigger impact, more needed to be done in rural
areas where the practice has most hold.
"We need
to take our awareness campaign to the rural areas in a big
way," she said.
officials said they were encouraging civil society
organisations to fight FGM and making it part of the fight
for human rights and women’s rights.
ministry has taken this issue to the highest levels of the
government and we are treating it as part of our fight
against gender-based violence," Saido Hussein Ali,
director-general of the Puntland Ministry of Women
Development and Family Affairs, said.
Source: Irin News |