Boats carrying Somali migrants develop locomotive faults off Tunisian coast
(Tunisian, Aug 12,
2008 Ceegaag Online)
Three boats carrying more than 100 Somali migrants are reported to be floating in Tunisian waters after developing engine problems.
Reports received in Tripoli, Libya, say that a number of boats carrying Somali migrants are drifting in the waters between Libya and Italy following engine problems.
The boats were reported to be overlying on the coast, as the shorelines are shark infested and dangerous.
Two weeks up to 75 Somali immigrants those were on board two tiny boats those have takes a trip from Libya to Italy have been missed reports from Libya said.
Some time ago as they made contact with their smugglers they told that they were unknown where they about saying that their boats had steam engine faults.
One of the smugglers who declined to identify told Mareeg that the very last time they the immigrants were reading the name of Allah for life fear as waves of blustery weather was thumping their boats.
“We attempted to help out them, for the distinguishing of the direction but their phone which was satellite one has switched off” he said.
Last month up to 15 Somali immigrants died on a desert area close to Libyan Border with Sudan officials told Mareeg.
The immigrants were reported to have died for hunger and thirsty after they spent more than 10 days walking in hot desert areas.
The immigrants left from Sudan to Libya to precede their journey to get to in Europe to get better life.
The immigrants have declared that the vehicle they were traveling to Libya has got flawed at out-of-the-way area.
Some of the survivors told Mareeg English service that they are in the worst life condition because their skin has changed for hunger.
"I originally left from Kenya to Sudan, from Sudan to Libya, from Libya to Italy it was very difficult journey, almighty Allah I survived" Hassan Nor survivor said.
Somali immigrants face different challenges in their journeys to Europe.
Libya is a major transit point for illegal immigration, as migrants head Italy for European Union member countries on its border.
Last month Somali immigrant headed to Libyan from Sudan have been badly tortured and robed by armed militias laid checkpoints between the two African countries Mareeg reporter in Tripoli said.
The militias were reported to have been Sudanese opposition group from the western Sudan region of Darfur those have stronghold locations between the two countries.
The militias have harshly beaten some of the Somali youths were traveling on the border areas between Sudan and Libya, they have also forcibly taken away some of their belongings.
"I was beaten with plastic strong stick by three men;
"I am suffering from tendernessness in the skin, I have got fainted at the same site once "but glory to God in the highest I am a live" Abdi Hassan Abdi who is victim of torture told Mareeg.
The situation changed dramatically with the arrival of asylum seekers and refugees fleeing civil war in the 1990s. Since the ousting of Somalia's government in 1991, much of the country, situated on the eastern "Horn of Africa", has been in a state of violent anarchy, perpetuated by warlords heading rag-tag armies of young men.
Countries don't get more chaotic than Somalia, and many who fled are now living.
Torture has often been sponsored by governments. In addition, individuals or groups may inflict torture on others for the same reasons as those acting in an official capacity.
Torture is prohibited under international law and the domestic laws of most countries; however, Amnesty International estimates that 75% of the world's governments currently practice torture as they define it but no government has yet abided the laws.
Throughout history, torture has often been used as a method of effecting political re-education.
In the 21st century, torture is widely considered to be a violation of human rights, and is declared to be unacceptable by Article 5 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Signatories of the Third Geneva Convention and Fourth Geneva Convention agree not to torture protected persons (POWs and enemy civilians) in armed conflicts.
Torture is also prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which has been ratified by 145 states.
Source: Mareeg Online |