Somali Orphan.
(Somalia, August
2008 Ceegaag Online)

Umul qura is a non-governmental organization, found 2008,
charity registered 08SO24451 devote for the development of
orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa with caring
family environmental through provision of human basic need.
Together with
those that have desire to make a difference we seek world
Orphan and vulnerable children to access better life, where
they would have an equal chance to live a well-mannered life
and have access to basic human life's offers
Saving our
world's children who have been abandoned or orphaned with
your help can make a long-lasting and massive difference on
their hope. The projects that we are planning on will
involve building feeding centres, schools, homes, clinics
and much more. We need you to carry out this and there are
no donations too small.
contribute to the following detailed account: -
Orphan Charity Umul Qura
Bank name
name Somali orphan charity umul qura
Sort code:
No: 71864327
Maximum desire
We are
existing for the charity of Orphan as we give accountability
reasons as far as we possibly can; -
100% of
what leaves your pocket will go to the Somali Orphan Charity
Umul Qura so that your pocket helps to improve children's
Somali Orphan Charity Umul Qura gives you regular reports on
the effect your money has had. The charity organization
provides you with a fast and effective way of getting your
gift to children's projects in the field. It gives you five
reports over two years of the effect your money has had.
Orphan Charity Umul qura is a registered charity whose
objects are for the public benefit anywhere in Horn of
Africa region, in particular but not exclusively, for the
benefit of children distress, the advantages of education
and such other exclusively charitable purposes as the
company may decide

The Somali
Orphan Charity Umul qura is registered in Somalia and UK-
you exactly how your money has been spent and the effects it
has had.
Orphan Charity Umul qura's Mision
Orphan Charity Umul qura is a charity organization aimed to
support orphaned and vulnerable children in Africa,
especially those affected by natural and manmade disasters
by providing them with home based care that cultivates their
development. This will include the provision of shelter,
food security and educational support to enable them to grow
up and participate positively their mates in the society.

at Risk Today in Somalia (HORN OF AFRICA):
• 750,000
Orphan their parents dead consequently Mogadishu conflicts
• Nearly
430,000 Orphan live in a desperate condition
• More
than 500,000 Orphan are suffering from food insecurity.
• The
number of Orphan have no a single parent
• Numbers
of children/Orphan do not have adequate shelter.
• Numbers
of children have no access to health care services.
• Nearly
20% of the people killed in war since 1990 have been
Poverty in
childhood is a root cause of poverty in adulthood. Poverty
in childhood is a root cause of poverty in adulthood. As you
review our initial assistance in the below images you will
see our goals are to rescue children/orphanage at risk, to
support and help widows, single parents and struggling
Each day
many are faced with uncountable obstacles and only as we
work together, individuals, business owners and those that
have desire to make a dissimilarity, are these
methods/approaches lasting hopes as we keep help to build
for a new future.
Wakiilka Umul quraa ee US/UK Tel:
00447947366903 |