Siad Barre “May Day”
Speech....Mogadishu Domestic Service in Somali....... 1 May
(Somalia, May 02,
2008 Ceegaag Online)

Lately there have been crises in
the Horn of Africa, as in many other parts of the
world--between colonialists and the colonized, between a
black colonialist government and the black people it
colonizes. This is not a new phenomenon; it is an old one.
Many countries which were under
colonial domination not so many years ago have freed
themselves, after a long struggle, from the colonial
yoke--for instance,
It is
surprising and amazing that today, when it is shameful to
talk about colonialism, let alone practice it, some
countries boast: We shall always be colonialists. It is also
unfortunate that some other countries support their
colonialism. It is an even greater shame today for one
people to colonize another. It is for this reason that,
without hiding anything, we ask the Soviet Union and its
allies: How long will this colonialism continue? If this is
to continue, why did the other European colonialism end? Why
did they have to give freedom to those who fought for it?
Will they change history?
Will the
Soviet Union
and its allies change colonialism into a new concept? Will
socialism evolve into colonialism and change history?
Can the
history of the human race see this coming? It will not be
possible. Otherwise many countries free today would not have
been freed. The Soviet Union and its allies cannot change
this, and it is imperative for colonized people to be free
in the long run.
Is it possible for the
Abyssinians to colonize others forever?
Others with much greater power,
ability and resources have failed; they have failed and
others will also fail. What is happening there is similar to
what happened in
Vietnam and
Algeria; there are no other benefits expected to come. The
broom finishes, but the dirt never comes to an end.
Some of the
colonizers do understand and quickly retreat, while some,
because they are stupid, continue colonizing others,
increasing the suffering, deaths, injuries, defeat and
The people colonized by
Abyssinia will be free. Eritrea will be free, and they
cannot refuse to let them be free. [applause] Western
Somalia will be free, and they cannot refuse to grant it
freedom. [Applause] The numerous Abo will be free [applause]
because this is history, and no one can prevent the sunshine
from reaching us.
No one has
ever succeeded in stopping the sunshine from getting to us,
and therefore no one will stop these people from obtaining
their freedom. Abyssinia is nothing; they are being led by
others and those who lead them should understand this. They
still have time to retreat before they find themselves in a
grave error of humanity and doctrine.
Before it is
too late, they should understand the wishes of those who
fight for their legitimate rights and allow them their
freedom. If they do not, then they will go against the wind
of change in the human race, and finally they will be swept
away by the flood and find themselves helpless.
When I talk
about Somalia, its policies are not changed from one
direction in the afternoon to another at night, yet another
in the morning and so forth; that is not our way.
believes in human rights and self-determination for all
humanity. That has always been our policy and we shall
continue following it. Empty threats and a show of force
will never deflect us from our principles: understanding and
assistance for those fighting for their human rights,
freedom and self-determination. [applause]
I shall now
turn to foreigners, imperialists and their ilk, who beat
drums in some capitals. To these drumbeaters and
propagandists who publish articles and newspapers in
countries which are enemies of the Somali nation, who would
like to sow confusion among the Somali people and who are
trying to do so by spreading false propaganda against the
Somali Democratic Republic and the Somali people, we say:
The Somali people will befriend those who show respect and
friendship, but those who adopt arrogant attitudes and try
to take advantage of this difficult period will be
Somalia is a
free nation which knows what it wants. It can do what it
wants and distinguishes friend from foe. Those who show
respect and appreciation will get the same in exchange, but
those who lie about Somalia or try to take advantage of it
will never benefit. I must emphasize this.
I am now going
to touch on some African problems. I am distressed that
problems purely African nature are being handled by
foreigners. I am sorry that problems Africa could solve by
itself and which concern purely African matters are being
interfered with by people from other continents. I am sorry
that Africa has kept silent about this problem. I am sorry
that Africa did not feel offended at this interference by
foreigners who came here illegally, that Africa could not
see this new manifestation of colonialism, and that Africans
did not ask themselves how they could accept this new
colonialism while they fought the old one. This is a
historic question which Africa will eventually have to
answer. However, I must say that Africa has awakened and its
ambition is to unite and determine its own destiny. Africa
still has time to rectify this problem and show the world
that it will not allow foreigners to trample on its rights.
Now I would
like to talk about current problems in the Arab countries.
It is unfortunate to note that a nation of one ethnic group
– a nation with the same culture and infinite potential –
has allowed itself to be trodden on, divided and set in
mutual opposition. It is a really unfortunate situation.
Their problems depend only on their unity. [words
indistinct] I will leave it at that.
After the
revolution, we adopted socialism and we continue to follow
it. The Somali people must realize that there is a long and
bitter struggle ahead. Even today we are passing through a
difficult period.
irresponsible elements serving
colonialist interests, who could not in any circumstances,
speak for the nation, tried to overthrow the revolution.
I would like to say that coups are no new thing. They have
existed all along and will exist and may happen any day, but
tire difference is this: What is the aim of the coup? Some
coups could be staged in the interests of a people, some
could be the product of feebleminded people like this group
Somalia, some
could be made to serve foreign and imperialist interests,
some could stem from political principles, and some could be
made to serve a people.
But the one
attempted against the revolution was a childish game.
those who were responsible for the attempted coup here are
in jail, and others who were implicated by them ran away.
Anyway the culprits are here. These elements will be dealt
with according to the law after their guilt is established.
It is not a matter for me or the Central Committee; it is a
matter that concerns the law, which is above us all.
I would like
to remind those who are beating the drums nowadays that
those who are leading the revolution of 21 October cannot be
moved from their principles. Those are being used by the
colonialists will suffer. What do I care about them?
Jaalayaal: I
did not come to power to divide Somali but to unite them,
and I will never deviate from this path. I shall respect a
Somali individual as long as he deserves respect, but if
(?he) turns away from the correct path, then that is not my
Finally, I
would like to remind you that we are passing through a
difficult period.
We should teach the foreigners
and colonialists that
cannot be led by other people and that the traitors who fled
the country will never lead Somalia.
We Mach them that
Somalia exists
and shall exist and shall never accept colonialism. The
Somali people must strive for their nationhood and existence
by showing their unity and readiness to safeguard their
Again I would like to congratulate the workers of the world,
hoping that their solidarity will be fruitful. Jaalayaal: I
would like to thank those who organized this celebration.
Jaalayaal: Thank you and good night.
[Speech by
Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre at National Theater in
Mogadishu on 30 April on the occasion of May Day recorded] |