School Project
Sept 25,
2008 Ceegaag Online)
Ceegaag is newly developed City
with a population of 600 to 1000 families. Most of these
families are internally-displaced people, the majority
of which are nomadic living in a pastoral community.
Their main source of income comes from taking care of
animal ‘live stock’.
The best way to educate the
children of this community is to build a school which
will provide shelter for these children for at least
five days of every school week of the year.
The proposed school will be contain
six buildings. Two buildings will be used to as
dormitories to house the boys & girls. A third building
will contain the reception and big library room & two
offices. A fourth building will contain a kitchen &
dining area. The remaining two buildings will be made up
three classrooms each.
The projected budget for
this project will cost approximately $75,000 US Dollars.
Please if you want
contribute contact
Abdifatah Gedeye Ottawa
Bashir Ahmed Edmonton 780-
Source: SCERDO
Xafladda Dhagax Dhigga Dhismaha Dugsiga Degmada Ceegaag

webmaster@ceegaag.com |