(Virginia, February
01, 2009 Ceegaag Online)
Zakaria Ahmed Ali
Last Seen: January 25, 2009 Time 5:35 PM
Last Location: Reston, VA 20190
Date of birth: May 17, 1993 Height: 5’
Hair Color: Black Weight: 120 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown Gender: Male
Race: Black
Zakaria Ahmed Ali
If you have any information on this child,
please contact:
Contact: National Center for Missing &
Exploited Child Phone # : (800) 843-5678
City / State: Alexandria, VA Alternate
Phone # : (000) 000-0000
Zip Code: 22314 FAX # : (703) 274-2200
Additional Information:
Zakaria Ali has been Missing since
sunday January 25th, 2009. If you have any information
please contact The
National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children at 1-800-THE-LOST
Created by a
parent using BeyondMissing’s Parent Flyer Tool - 1/28/2009
4:59 PM

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