Institutional Islam phobia
and the Politics of a Minor’s Choice.
September 12, 2009 Ceegaag Online)
Not since
France's banning of wearing the hijab or Islamic headwear in
schools has institutional Islamophobia unveiled its ugly
head under the spotlight of world attention. In Florida,
political pressure has caused the scale of justice to tilt
The case of
Rifqa Bary -- a 17 year old Muslim girl who converted to
Christianity then ran away from her parents' home in Ohio
(to Florida) -- has set the stage for the ideological
bankrupt neocons and right wing evangelicals to pursue
another desperate attempt to resuscitate their all but
defunct "clash of civilization" scare.
Rifqa claimed
that her parents believe in 'honor killing' and that they
were planning to execute her as a result of her religious
conversion -- a claim that later proved inconsistent, to say
the least.
to Rifqa's account emerged when her parents started to
openly discuss their daughter's situation. Clearly Rifqa had
her way with her family. "We love her; we want her back. She
is free to practice her religion, whatever she believes in.
That's O.K.," Mr. Bary told media and law enforcement.
The local
police, the children's services and the county prosecutor in
Ohio all concluded that the Bary family is a caring family
who is genuinely concerned about the well-being of their
daughter. The Bary family knew about their daughter's
conversion three years earlier, and had even allowed her to
join the cheerleading team of her high school.
The parents
believe that their daughter was "brainwashed" by an
internet-based virtual Pastor by the name Blake Lorenz who
leads a religious outfit called the Global Revolution
Church. Mr. Lorenz openly espouses anti-Islamic views. He
has been quoted saying "Christians are at war with Islam and
Islam is evil."
It should
surprise no one that this case has attracted the
'who-is-who' among the usual suspects -- the founder of
paranoia fueling website JihadWatch, Robert Spencer; the
notorious neocon policy worrier and the founder of Center
for Security Policy, Frank Gaffney, and right wing "legal
pit-bull," John Stemberger, to name a few.
Their strategy
was predictably straight out of the neocon/right wing
playbook crafted by the same overzealous special interest
ideologues whose "global war on terrorism" policy has left a
legacy of destruction and massive political debris around
the world that would take generations to clean.
To these
political predators, facts are elastic variables; they are
inflated when they are available to support their cause and
are conveniently fabricated when they are not. They rely on
propaganda as the means to demonize and dehumanize others.
And they use any means at their disposal to reach their
goal, regardless of the fairness, decency, or how their
actions may hurt others.
In dealing
with the case at hand, instead of providing convincing
evidence to support Rifqa's claim, they resorted to a two
track strategy that puts the brand of Shariah (Islamic law)
that promotes the killing of an apostate on trial, and to
wage a smear campaign on Noor Islamic and Cultural Center (NICC)
in the Columbus area by accusing it of espousing extremist
ideologies and being connected to international terrorism.
(This author is one of the many Central Ohio Muslims who
worship in that center).
Of course,
this diversionary tactic is designed to stir public
suspicion and outrage. It is nothing but smoke screen to
cover the real issues: whether a minor has a choice, and
whether a non-family adult could hide a minor.
During a
controversial fatwa -- religious edict -- that sentenced an
Afghani man who converted to Christianity to death a few
years ago, over 100 scholars in the US and many more around
the world have written a unified opinion that no one should
be sentenced to death for deciding to change his or her
religion. And that the only time such sentence has a
religious (as well as secular) justification is in case of
proven treason against the state.
The Qur'an --
the highest authority of the moral code in Islam --
unequivocally states that "Let there be no compulsion in
religion" (Chapter 2: Verse 256). Because, like love and
similar matters of the heart, faith is a conviction embraced
in the heart; and as such, can never be forced. Forcing such
matters renders the opposite effect.
Also, in Chapter 4: Verse 137, God says, "Behold, as for
those who come to believe, and then deny the truth
(converted or became apostate) and again come to believe and
again deny the truth and thereafter, grow stubborn in their
denial of the truth, God will not forgive them, nor will He
guide them in any way." This verse clearly indicates that
even those who professed Islam and then rejected it more
than once cannot be condemned to execution. They are only
accountable to God.
Also, in
Chapter 18: Verse 29, God says "The Truth is from your Lord;
so let him who please believe and let him who please
"Hate groups
appear to be using this family matter as an opportunity to
attack the Muslim community and Islamic organizations in
order to further their religious and political goals," read
a statement issued by NICC. And "These Islamophobes are not
only paranoiac but are so manipulative. Their method of
guilt by association is comical in a way and dangerous in
another. To follow their logic is to declare the disciples
of Jesus who joined him in the last supper as
co-conspirators in the crucifixion" added Dr. Hany Saqr, the
center's Director.
Back to the
real issue of contention: on their part, investigators from
Florida have completed their interstate investigation. Their
findings are believed to being in agreement with previous
investigations done in Ohio. Their report was turned to
Circuit Judge Daniel Dawson, who, instead of sending Rifqa
back to her parents, decided to grant a motion filed by Mr.
Stemberger in which he requested the evidence to be sealed
-- evidence that could very well have vindicated the
The Florida
statute dealing with Juvenile Justice and Interstate Compact
on Juveniles is clear: "A person may not knowingly provide
aid to an unmarried minor who has run away from home without
first contacting the minor's parent or guardian or notifying
a law enforcement officer." Mr. Lorenz hid the runaway girl
for two weeks; however, no one is after him, so far. He is
currently "reorganizing" his church to protect it from
future lawsuits.
In this all
too familiar circus, I cannot help but wonder: what if a
non-Muslim minor was recruited through cyberspace by an
adult Imam (Muslim cleric) who leads a religious entity
called the Global Revolution Mosque, whose objective is to
target youth of all ages in order to change the world
through spiritual revolution!
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